When we're out sight-seeing, I usually end up making myself and Mike take a bunch of dumb, random, photos. The ratio and severity of randomness is usually pretty dependent on the number of photos I've taken. Case in point, pretty sure we took some 1200 pictures during our short little tour of D.C. I figure, might as well take more pictures than needed--I can always delete them later, just can't make 'em up after we've left the area! I've also been trying to get both of us IN more of our photos, instead of just capturing the scenery.
As a side note, my mom mentioned something to me the other day about taking pictures of every day life...just hanging out with friends. In her words (if I can capture them as correctly as I remember), those are the people and the things you're going to want to remember later on in life. Something like that...although she said it better. I'm going to try and take more "real-life" photos like that...without being the crazy neighbor that always has a camera in her hand!!! LOL :-)
I'm thinking swan or bird of some sort...sculpture outside a museum in D.C. |
Saw the front of this crazy little vehicle rolling down the sidewalk near the Air and Space museum... |
Didn't realize it was a mini-McDonalds-deliverymobile. Gross! Yet cute and funny at the same time. |
Ice cream truck near the Capitol. |
A Fiat for Mrs. McSurdy...I was going to take some better photos but the thing was really dirty and it's owners were standing nearby complaining to a cop about something parking-related so I thought it would be a little creepy if I decided to have an impromptu photo-session with their car! |
Ignore me...I really only wanted this picture cause I thought the sculpture resembled a heart (as in aorta, atria, ventricles, etc.). Then I realized the name of the sculpture was something about red horses--not as exciting. |
Crazy metal tree. For some reason it reminds me of the movie Twister and/or the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. |
Clearly Mike should not be stopping or standing there. 'Nuff said. |
Tour bus. Winona, MN. I guess there must have been quite a few Minnesotans around the city somewhere. |
A street performer, juggling a 10-lb bowling ball, basketball, and tennis racket.
Made me think of the SNL census skit with Christopher Walken (a favorite of mine). |
I dunno. These were all over, I didn't take the time to look over the balcony. |
Tour group in yellow vests. Remind me never to agree to something like this. |
As mentioned briefly before, the crazy-crowded Nickelodeon Day of Play.
Kids everywhere and really bad tween music playing on the stage (with lots of screaming girls).
The picture doesn't even begin to describe. There are great birth control options everywhere...this was one of them, lol. |
Giant HEART from the American Heart Association.
Mike wanted to go up and ask if he could wear it. Then we chickened out. |
Duck-butt. |
Close-up, one of the many ducks on our walk to the WWII memorial and the empty reflecting pool at the Lincoln Memorial. |
Yes, I said EMPTY reflecting pool. On second thought, it didn't actually even resemble a pool. |
I was a little bummed, the reflecting pool is like iconic Washington, D.C. Instead, this is what we saw... |
Lots of peeps at the Lincoln Memorial. We didn't make it that far...it'll be on my list of stops for the next trip down. |
As we were walking from the WWII Memorial to the MLK, Jr. Memorial.
Mike and I both did a double-take as we walked through a crowd of WWII veterans (accidentally).
We didn't realize they were meeting and greeting with Bob Dole.
We both turned around and at the same time said, is that Bob Dole??
Immediately began snapping photos.
Mike sent the pic to some of our friends and Jase was the first to reply appropriately
with "Bob Dole is going to stab you with this pen" (from a SNL skit). |
Think the guy in the suit was part of Bob Dole's entourage.
Although, if he's FPS or security detail, he looks more relaxed than I'd imagine...
which is why I left him out of my secret service/police/security post. |
Washington, D.C. squirrel |
We wandered upon ACOG while attempting to find a place for a quick lunch. Couldn't really pass by without documenting it. That and I figured somebody would get a kick out of it. |
Apparently there are not many restaurants or places to consume food in and around the D.C. National Mall area. We walked a little off the beaten path to try and find a sandwich shop, but apparently everything is really only open during the week when the business people are in town. After walking by a M-F Potbelly and a Starbucks that closed at 2PM, we settled on snacks from CVS pharmacy and didn't really care cause by that time (4PM) we were uber hungry after not eating a meal all day! |
I think the Starbucks window needs a little washing. |
Could have gone for a coffee. I'm always in the mood for coffee! |
Couldn't leave D.C. without a photo of their license plate. |
Rugby game near the National Mall. Saw some fans walking to the game...pretty sure it was a college match, just don't remember which one. |
OK, so it's not from D.C., but we definitely saw a suit of armor at a consignment shop in Harrisburg.
Not sure what she was doing, but I definitely made her pose for this one too! |
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