I've been AWOL from blogging for what seems like weeks...but somehow I still have pics from NYC to share with you. Don't worry though, I think I've just about made it through all of 'em...I promise! Then we can go on to talking and blogging about something else :-) Right now, Mike and I are taking advantage of our day off (yay!), sitting on the couch, having coffee, and watching 'Where in the World is Matt Lauer?'. Easily entertained, we are.
So here you go, Sunday morning (and afternoon) in NYC...
Good thing this coffee shop was about 30' from the PATH station as we got off the subway from Jersey City...to say we were in need of coffee would be an immense UNDERSTATEMENT! |
Cute little place...loved the tiled wall <3 |
...even more importantly, decided I loved the neighborhood and should move to NYC! (until I realized that I'd never be able to afford living in that neighborhood, reality check!) |
We definitely saw a film crew. Looks like a happy film company! |
The crew, after refueling at breakfast! |
Parking lift...this was another reminder that NYC living is spendy! |
Ahhhh...at least there was a Target advertisement. Oh how I miss SuperTarget!! |
If this lady knew what was good for her, she would have gotten her shoulder out of my photo! |
Cue the choir! Ahhhhh! Did I mention that I haven't stepped foot in an Anthropologie since June...yay for SoHo :-) |
So I only bought my favorite candle...but it was nice just to walk around and remember the days when I could shop Anthropologie on a weekly basis (Mike and my checkbook are clearly glad those days are over)! |
Graffiti truck |
Cute little cobblestone side street in SoHo |
Obviously one of my other favorites... can't believe we walked out of here without spending a dime! |
Way too many stores that I would enjoy...good thing I don't live closer! |
Evolution. Thought Mike should pose with Mr. Skeleton. |
This store looked pretty sweet...apparently they have lots of cool (and weird, gross, and random) stuff in here I'll have to make it a point to stop in next time! |
Thank you, Jen, for giving me a new reason to love gourmet chocolate... I guess it was only right that Mel and I introduced Jen to M.A.C. during the trip-- Jen returned the favor by introducing me to the chocolate store Vosges. |
Plus! The longer you spend looking around in the store, the more samples they offer you...in addition to the samples (yes, whole truffles) that are already sitting out on the counter! Who could resist!?!? Mmmmm...chiles and chocolate, bacon and chocolate, balsamic vinegar and chocolate, caramel, sea salt, and chocolate...I'm hooked! |
...and for another random NYC...DOLPHINS RAPE PEOPLE? I'm not sure if I should laugh or be afraid... if you're bored or interested, google it, there's a whole website devoted to it.
She really wanted a cupcake... |
All I can say is that Chinatown sucked...and did not live up to any of the expectations I had in my mind of what Chinatown should have been (although I'm not even sure what those expectations were) |
We did get to see a street vendor getting BUSTED... what do you mean those bags aren't real??? |
From Chinatown, we continued on to the Flatiron district... |
and EATALY. A collaboration of celebutante chefs including the Mario Batali. Part restaurant, part market, part grocery...lots of deliciousness! |
Pasta light-fixture |
Bahahaha...what a good policy! |
Jake, Jen, Mike, and I took our sandwiches out to enjoy lunch outside on a fabulous afternoon while Mel and Jase checked out the grub at the restaurant inside. Yum :-) |
Another movie...believe this scene was titled "Talk to the Sea". Let me know if you end up seeing it in theaters somewhere, lol! |
We wondered why this guy was hanging around...turns out he was in on the film. He was just undercover as a dude with a crazy backpack. |
Did I mention we were close to the Empire State Building? |
Walked through Madison Square Park across the street while Mel and Jase finished up lunch... |
Just happened to see a gigantic Tank-like bulldog named Pancho. I assume he and Tank would be forever friends! |
Brindle bulldog...he was seriously too cute, and still just a puppy! |
This place smelled delish! We were just way too full from Eataly. |
There were some crazy sculptures scattered about the park...in the trees. |
NYC pigeon-in-the-park |
Marimekko. Modern. Finnish. Fantastic patterns. <3 |
Fabric. |
All sorts of fabulous fabric. Mom...you jealous yet? |
To round out our trip...what's a trip to NYC without walking by a flashmob on your way to the subway? You obviously can't even tell it's a flashmob from the photo, but it was there...it wasn't very good, either. |
Now that I've bored you to death with a thousand pictures, I realize that this probably should have been split into a couple of different posts, but I'm too lazy to go back and change it now. Hope your eyes aren't glazed over and hope you don't have too severe of carpal tunnel from scrolling through this hour-long post! That about wraps up our 2-day trip to NYC (which by now was about 3 weeks ago already). I'll be feverishly saving up my money for our next adventure into the city. After all, it's only a two and a half hour drive from the 'burg, so I have no reason not to get back there soon :-) From my couch on Green Street...and what's turning into a drizzly, dreary, fall day...HAPPY THURSDAY TO YOU, it's almost the weekend again!!!
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